From Summer Term 2024, fees are:
5 sessions: £25 per session
3 sessions: £27.50 per session
2 sessions: £30 per session
Lunch Club: £25.50 per session
Extended Breakfast Club: £19 (7.30 am until morning session commences)
Breakfast Club: £14 per session (8.00 am until morning session commences)
Supper Club: £15 (5.00 - 6.00 pm)
Additional Hourly rate is £10 per hour or £5 per half hour
Whole Day (including meals): £95 (either 7.30 am - 5.30 pm or 8.00 am - 6.00 pm)
Services charge:
£150 per term for 5 mornings
£100 per term for 3 mornings
£80 per term for 2 mornings
For information regarding funding: 15 hours, 2 year Working Parents funding, 15 hours, Universal 3 year funding & 30 hours Working Parents funding, please email: .
We accept payment by nursery vouchers provided by the following companies:
Edenred P492566
Busy Bees Gilah Nursery School
Computer Voucher Services 0008023805
Kidsun Ltd 00356075
Care 4 16401432
Sodexo 163626
Co-op Flexible Benefit 85002626
Fideliti GIL011C
Fair Care Gilah Nursery School
Should you wish to pay by standing order, Gilah's bank details are:
Barclays Bank, Finsbury Park,
Gilah Nursery School.
Sort code. 20-46-57
A/c no. 40670030
Please use your child's name as a reference for all payments. This will help us to reconcile your payment with your invoice.